Thursday, January 18, 2007

[ 18012007 11.28pm amazed* ]

i still cant believe its 2007...
heres to my very first post in the new year! whee!

anyhow, i have just been totally uninspired to blog recently, also my personal life was just taking up too much of my time and energy, and blogging being slightly lower down on the priority hierarchy, was forgone.

i've been thinking, its hard to be a girl.
if you're fat and have a bf, people will say you must have a really good character.
if you're genuinely unhappy about something thats worth being unhappy about, guys will just brush it away saying its just cos of PMS. (or call you SCARY, rite ant?)
if you're hot and have many guys, you're called loose, and a slut, whereas the male counterpart is considered a stud.

there are just too many generalisations based on sex. people are people, they don't differ that greatly. but guys are just born with something missing in their genetic make up which makes them inherently inferior.

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