the days following WCG have been dull and bland. nothing interesting has happened, save for an outing to astons + lan at GG on saturday. met up with some old faces (with no hair cos of ns) and had a pretty good time. met dawnsheep, dean and bryan + 2 other GE faction mates on the way there.
life follows a strict routine of waking up late and rushing around the house avoiding my mum's health food and cabbing to work to avoid opening TOO late. relaxin runs through my body and keeps me paralyzed in bed, especially in the mornings. even though i'm blessed with working hours that start late, its still a chore to drag myself out of sleepyland.
i spend my day in the new world of Granado Espada while multitasking and serving customers ice cream. my forays in the strange land are halted when i leave for dinner and a few dota games, at his house, lan or at home.
over the past few months, i've found its always a challenge in interpersonal relationships to keep on track, and channel energy to the correct paths.
at the same time, sometimes i'd like to just give in to my raw emotions and quit masking them beneath neutral politically correct words.
imagine me thrown a cup of bitter chocolate icecream in an irritating customer's face. haha.
buy lime tomorrow. this gal who plays DOA eunyce, cynthia aka wanderz and i will be in it. i think.
below is dawns post from the genesisfaction blog.

Two GEnesis faction girls, furryfish and Shadowstriker (a.k.a. pinksheep) were involved in WCG 2007, DotA. One of our teammates put up this photo of us during the Today interview on the Asterisk* blog, so I decided to pull it in here. Left to right: Cass (cass*), Maria (astatine*), Dawn (d4wn*), Tammy (furryfish*), Dawn (pinksheep*), Shan (flawed*). And we're also very proud to have our team jacket which features the logo (above). =D
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