for the FIRST time in the 18 years that i've lived in my constituency, the opposition has decided to contest the PAP's rule over it. and it just HAS to be in the year when i am JUST able to vote. oh well. it was quite painless and quick. efficiency ftw! and i'm damn glad that that PAP is back in power. it has been my private fear for the past feww days that the opposition will take over singapore. *horrors* i just do not think that any other party can do any better for singapore, at the moment, at least. and i support the PAP, what ever the rest of you may think.
today's events :
CAPL - mVp and mVp artemis (gosh, is that team2's team name?) are into finals next week
gals meeting and training match vs XsE ppl
jasmine milk tea without ice FTW!!! bracket3
walk walk~
i have a gosu song to intro all of you. its just gorgeous, her voice is just so... liquid and heartbreaking...
ah sang - yi zhi hen an jing 一直很安静
depressed kinda song... the type of song i like.
listen-to link :
lyrics here :
its come to the time in my life when i should think about what to do with my life... its kinda scary, like what i choose now... has LARGE impacts on the rest of my life... and i dont ever think i'll amount to much. so what if i'm from top schools and uni... it really.. doesnt matter. as my social work lecturer said, poly students are the entrepreneurs, they come up with the business plans and start running their own companies. then, they hire all you uni grads to work for them... i'm abit T.T about that. but well, its kinda true. all we know how to do is... study.
i've thought through it for a long time... and i really... really... REALLY... love my razer diamond back plasma. -_-'" lol!
i'm back home, possibly for good. cos i realyl do no think i will go for honours next year, unless my cap miraculously jumps up a few points. lol... being at home is good in its own way... at least i have someone to take care of me and settle my meals. someone to run to and talk to when i need to. ^^
although those someones are terrified of me coming back and leading horrible lifestyles and pissing them off, they wont ever not love me. =D
WCG qualifiers starts tml... or rather, today, at asteriods. and gxleague starts 22nd may. go to and register!!!
imma good mood and stuff today! if a little sleepy... *_* those bored ppl! go to youtube and search for hardgay english. GOSU FUNNY STUFF YO!

gosu comic. lol... this is something only a gamer can do!
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