Dylan said...
- You're right. You are not young anymore. You say u are a gamer. u play professionally but when u strip it all down, what are u? The answer=nothing. Why are u so proud of that fact that u guys have fans in thailand when the only reason they are so entranced by u girls are because you wear skirts. They don't even care whether you're good or not, because u guys arent. What's so great about being a professional gamer who doesnt achieve anything? At least your teammates like dawn are already working and married or have kids and a family to raise. I think you should rethink your life. THere's not point in applying so much makeup and attracting 18 year old boys :) Grow up.
so, this is what i want to say to him.
Thanks for your concern. this is indeed something i've been giving thought to. i wouldn't say i'm unaccomplished, and i'm curious to know why you seem to think that i don't work.
i have a stable job (which i've held for over 2 years) and a degree to back me up.
i admit that i do not have a family and kids to raise, but that doesnt necessarily mean that those who are raising kids or married are achieving anything special. in fact, they could well be more discontented than i am. also, not everyone's aim in life is to get married and have kids, even though it might be yours, or what you perceive as "right" for me.
i did think about female professional gaming and my conclusion is here : http://pmsasterisk.blogspot.com/2009/11/female-gaming-what-is-it-all-about.html
having fans, for whatever reason, is not something EVERYONE can lay claim to, and it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling to know we're well received - by most - and i have reason to believe that its not just cos we wear skirts.
also, wearing make up, to girls, is much like styling hair to guys. we/i can't help it if i happen to look pretty young to boot and attract the "wrong" demographic.
that said, i do feel that i'm lacking some things in my life, i am taking steps towards improvement (which, i do not have to share on my public blog)
once again, thank you for your comment.
as an aside, dawn pasted me this link about herbivore guys. i think its worth a read - not all men/people have the same outlook and goals in life. http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiapcf/06/05/japan.herbivore.men/index.html