Friday, January 16, 2004

[ 16012004 12.54am | oww!! ]

my mum got a twig stuck up her nose while gardening today. since then, its been bleeding and shes been sneezing practically non stop. she was like "oh no, what if it poked my brain" haha... one of her bimbo moments.
anyway, today was a geog day. fantastic. its so good to be doing something you like, even if it isnt the exact thing i'd like to specialise in. to be able to have a day totally dedicated to what i'm majoring in... makes uni actually feel like... uni.
oh yeah, dawn phung!! if u read this, PUT ON SOME WEIGHT!!!
sebas and lulu... have fun in ns... enlisting aint that bad... i may join you all one day... aspi... remember to pass me the photos!!!

on enlisting :.
having serious thoughts about signing on air force. pilot. in the future after i graduate. another path i can take is to join sia. but both strike me as rather impossible goals... but well, better than teaching. anytime.
talked to my parents about it, and my dad's a little skeptical about saf, having never really been to army... and my mum was like, "be a missionary". so... well.
for the time being, i shall wait and attend the next air force open house... last years was at swissotel. yup.

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