Wednesday, October 01, 2008

[ 01102008 3.14am | =D ]

its a happy night...
i'm a happy fish.


these are evil books.
they speak of the impossible union... many impossible unions to be exact.
and despite the impossibility of the situation, how emotion doesnt say die, hence forcing a reaction into further emo situations.
in all, i wouldnt say they are examples of excellent writing, nor would i say they are exceptionally riveting.
they do not explore many issues (if any at all), so far, and i'm into the 3rd book, and the plot is drawn out and simplistic.
predictable perhaps.
what draws the reader, however, is how the situation, the emotions depicted, sync, pull, and draw out parallel feelings and memories.


i proposed today.
to a streetlamp.
i have the bruise on my left knee as testimony.
LOL. ok fine. honestly, its called - birkies are too slippery to walk through 2 cm deep puddle even though wearer was treading with extra care but good thing wearer is imbued with grace from higher being enabling her to fall looking like... poetry in motion.


perhaps i've changed my mind about MFM.



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